Boujie Kidz NYFW Debut: A Dream Turned Runway Reality

Hey There Boujie Babes!

I can't wait to spill all the details about my incredible journey into the heart of fashion—my very own debut at New York Fashion Week

But before we dive into the glitz and glamour, let's rewind about five years ago…

I was stuck in a job that didn't bring me joy. I knew I wanted to do something I loved, and dressing up my kids was at the top of that list! Whenever I dressed my daughter in those adorable bows and tutus, my heart soared. I wanted to share that joy with other moms and keep it budget-friendly.

Boujie Kidz became my passion project. It was a way to let parents dress their children in trendy clothes without burning a hole in their wallets. Making affordable and stylish fashion accessible was my mission, and it still is.




New York Fashion Week

Fast forward to one of the most exciting days of my life—my New York Fashion Week debut with Boujie Kidz. The adrenaline, the nervousness, the excitement—it was a whirlwind of emotions. The journey leading up to the big day was exhausting and stressful, but every ounce of hard work paid off.

Creating this line was a dream come true. From the music to the videos, every aspect was tailored to embody Boujie Kidz. It was all about our spirit, our brand, and showcasing what we're all about—affordable, stylish, and fun fashion for kids.




A Heartfelt Thank You

I couldn't have done this without an amazing team and the unwavering support of my family. A special shoutout to those who made this day truly extraordinary:

Adam Saber: Your custom piece of music was the heartbeat of the show.

Beauty Squad LLC and Tori B Beauty: Thank you for glamming me up and being there early on a Sunday morning.

Pretty Chaos Boutique: Your friendship and the stunning outfit made me feel like a million bucks on that runway.

Madison Moskal: You were my right-hand throughout this journey.
My World, Nate Cabral: Thank you for being my rock always. 




A Lesson in Dreaming Big

It's amazing how life takes you on unexpected journeys. From reality TV to the fashion runways, it's been a rollercoaster, and I'm loving every moment of it. The blend of fashion and reality TV is a thrilling adventure, and I can't wait to share it all with you!

This was just the beginning, my very FIRST New York Fashion Week with Boujie Kidz, and I can't wait to see where this incredible journey takes us next. Keep dreaming big and working hard because, truly, anything is possible!

Don't forget to check out all the runway looks and more at Boujie Kidz.

Dream big, spread love, and stay Boujie! 💖✨


All my love,

Danielle xoxo


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